Snow day

I hate Winter.  I make no excuses.  It is my least favorite time of year.  The only thing making it tolerable for me is the fact that here in the South, we mostly have beautiful blue skies and sunshine.  This is unlike my days living in the North, where winter dragged on for what seemed like forever.  Dirty gravel infested piles of snow in the corners of parking lots, reminding us well into the spring that winter was long… and gray…very, very gray.


It rarely snows down here.  When it does, it is a major event. Like Armageddon, not like a celebratory event.  Grocery stores brace for impact as shoppers descend upon them to grab loaves of bread, gallons of milk, eggs, and of course beer and wine.  For what could amount to an inch of the fluffiest snow, that will likely melt within 24 hours, you would think people are preparing for a nuclear strike.  Us Northern-borns, snicker at the fact that the whole state shuts down if there is even snow in the forecast.  But the truth is, I don’t mind when it snows, down here.

When we have a snow day and get a spontaneous day off from work, that means I get to relax.  I can look out my window and see the beauty of that falling snow while enjoying a toasty fire and enjoying a glass of wine.  I can spent a day slow cooking a big pot of sauce or soup and not have to worry about errands or chores.  It’s a peaceful day.

I always boot up and go for a walk around the yard. I love to look at the heavy fluffy snow as it rests on branches and how it drifts down from the sky and has an utterly peaceful sound as it collects on the ground.


There is large pine forest next to my house and when the wind blows through the trees and sets the snow free it is absolutely beautiful. There’s a rustling of the tall pines and then a cascade of snow as it falls to the ground.


I remember as a child, we would go outside at night when it was snowing and play in the front yard. You could literally hear the snow falling.  It is the most peaceful thing I believe you could experience in life.  Even today as I walked in my yard, I could here those flakes falling.  They were only mildly interrupted by the rumbling of an old truck or two as they slowly made their way up the snow covered road.

Even as much as I hate Winter and long for warm days sitting out back listening to the birds, there is something truly magical and spiritual about a snow day.

Plus, it melts quickly.  And by the weekend, the temperature will be up in the 60’s.  Spring is eminent here and soon I’ll be planting my garden.


tomato cages!


For now, I’ll just enjoy the rest of this day, and countdown the days until spring: 61 days and counting!